Most of the rules for pickleball are the same as in all sports. Accepting a loss graciously as well as a win is the gauge of good sporting behavior and etiquette.

All of us get excited and foul language occasionally is spewed. First, try NOT to do it. However, when it happens, apologize to those around you and try to not do it again.

When you lose a point or the game do not slam the ball across the courts or into the net. Accidents do happen and one should never behave in that manner where you risk hitting another player when they are not expecting a fast flying ball in their direction.

If you are playing on a court that requires you to walk through or behind another court, please be sure that the play on the other court(s) is stopped before you enter their space. Stand back away from the play and wait until there is a break without interrupting those playing.

There are no line judges or referees to call faults in recreational play, therefore, each side is required to call the faults that occur on their side of the net. This means that you must determine whether balls that have been hit by your opponents are in or out. Call the balls fairly. Remember, your opponents will be doing the same to you.

Do NOT call faults that occur on the other side of the net unless those players ask what you saw. If you ask an opponent to help you decide if a ball is in or out, the official rule is that decision made by your opponent is final.

The ball should be clearly out before it is called out. All balls not called out are assumed to be in. If partners disagree about whether the ball is in or out, it is in, and the rally should go to the opponents.

The player closet to the action, not the player across the court, should make the line call since looking through the net causes a distorted view and is not an accurate assessment.

If your partner calls a ball out, but you know that it was in, you should correct this call.

If you volley the ball and step into or on the line of the non-volley zone or the kitchen, call the fault. If you see your partner fault in the non-volley zone or the kitchen, call the fault.

When signaling your partner that a ball is not going to land in the court, try saying “let it go”,”no!” or “bounce it” instead of calling “out” or “wide.” This way, you are not suggesting a course of action rather than declaring a line call on a ball that hasn’t yet bounced.