Have you seen the progress of the Dog Park?
The park is located on Lakeview Pkwy behind the mailboxes near the small Marina.
Please note: there is no dog park parking allowed at the mailboxes. A parking area was created for the Dog Park use.
With the anticipated opening of the new Dog Park fast approaching (May 31st!), the Happy Tails Dog Club is now officially accepting registrations.
Yearly registration fees are as follows:
One dog: $50
Two or more dogs: $75
Friend of Happy Tails Dog Club: $25 – This membership is for those who don’t currently have a dog but would like to be a part of the club.  Only registered members of the Happy Tails Dog Club will be able to use the dog park.  If you are interested in joining the dog club, please send an email to info@happytailsdogclub.net requesting a registration form and/or more information.

You can also mail in your completed registration form, vaccination records and membership fee to Happy Tails Dog Club PO Box 302, Locust Grove, VA. 22508