Lake of the Woods, Virginia

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On Lake Times is an Advertising Newspaper that is distributed via Email, Website, and Facebook to serve the areas of Lake of the Woods and Locust Grove.  On Lake Times reserves the right to edit or reject any or all article submissions and advertising copy. Classified & Display Ad copy and/or artwork included in ad copy may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Every effort is made to ensure correctness, however, On Lake Time does not accept any responsibility for damage or loss beyond the cost of the ad itself.  On Lake Time is not responsible for information in the classifieds or display ads submitted by customers.No refunds or credit given if items/ads are sold or rented or canceled after ad or ads are submitted, no exceptions.  On Lake Time is not affiliated, in any way, with The Lake of the Woods Association, The Lake Currents or any other publication.